Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Goes Around.........

Ok, Ok, I know I give a certain someone out there a hard time about being a crazy pet owner. I now plead that I can become a member of your group.
I took my 8 1/2 month old Basset, Scarlet to see Santa.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thought for the Week

No matter how little you have; having a pet makes you rich

What'ca Watching?

Toby Comeaux

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beloved Angel

Beloved Angel Goff has joined the angels in heaven. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. Everyone at Big Carms Farm send our deepest sympathy and may memories comfort you at this sad time.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Rub-A-Dub Rabbit's in the Tub

Who would have guess that last night Mike would be washing Rabbit in the bathtub? This isn't something we normally do; but since Rabbit is having to spend some time in a pet taxi inside the house, she had to get a bath. Rabbit will be fine and soon released back into the wild of Big Carms Farm; but first she is being treated for ear mites (nasty little things). Don't worry the pictures won't be of the ear mites but instead of Rabbit in the tub.

Thought for the Day

Cats aren't clean, they're covered in cat spit.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sully & Scarlet

The cool weather has everyone around Big Carms Farm feeling frisky. I was able to catch Sully & Scarlet playing and this video has better lighting ( I called George Lucas and used his lighting guy for this one).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scarlet & Pierre

Ok so the lighting is bad, and it's not George Lucas but in times when it's "quick grab the camera" this will have to do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

That Time Is Just Around The Corner

I'm sending a challenge out there to anyone who will accept. I want pictures sent to me of your pet dressed in their Halloween costume. I'll gladly post your pet on my blog. I tease all pet owners that dress your pets up but I love it! Send me a comment with your name and email address and I'll contact you for your picture and pet's name.
I just received my first one this month and I'm posting it here.
Princess Roxy Johnson (without her tiara)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rescue Ink

I'm in love, with 7 tattoo up guys from New York! WHAT?!?!?!? I'm a Texas Gal here and I'm in love with someone from where?!?!?!? Wait - - These guys have zero tolerance for animal abuse and they have a show on National Geographic called "Rescued Ink Unleash". Their first show, has these 7 guys that you don't want to mess with ride up on Harley Davidson bikes, chasing down chickens because of the state they're living in. Then it quickly goes to them saving dogs, cats and confronting people who abuse these animals!

Watch the show - don't let this get cancel!!!
Go to their website http://www.rescueink.org/
Support the cause - Stop the abuse!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Laying in the Grass

I did the responsible thing and had Scarlet spayed this week. When she was picked up, she came home with pain meds and the long list of "Things Not To Do". The first night she slept mostly but by the second day, you couldn't tell she even had surgery. I'm talking radical dog here! My husband and I have tried our best to keep her from running, jumping up in our laps, and even keeping her from going in the backyard with the other critters in order for her not to bust a stitch. By Wednesday she was walking around the house with, if it's possibly a much sadder look on her face. So in between rain showers, I put her leash on and I let her lay in the cool wet grass. I have a happier Basset now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Printer Problems?

Volunteer Fire Department

If you live in a drought area, pray for no fire! I say this because if you live near Edna, Texas this might be your volunteer fire department!

To answer any confusion, yes that's a goat, tied to a fire hydrant! Burn Ban is in effect people!

Anyone Up for a Mani/Pedi

This is how a Mani/Pedi goes down at the farm:
A.) round up 2 of your BFF's,
B.) approach the animal as if nothing's going on,
C.) whatever you do, DON'T LET GO

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chic Fall Fashions

As a new owner of a Basset Hound, I'm starting to learn the tricks of the breed. A Basset's ears are something that stands out with this breed and is also the first thing to slap you in the face after getting a drink of water, running through wet grass or even her new favorite thing - the mud puddle in the backyard. Believe me, midnight walks in grass already covered in dew is one thing, but to have those wet ears slapping you in the face as you receive "thank you" licks is something else.

The must have chic fall fashion is the Snood! No, you're not going to see this in the top fashion mags or even on the runway in New York, but trust me Snoods are a must have! I did some searching and found the place to get your all year around Snood fashions. I must give a shout out to Deb and the "Staff", Jingle & Louise (The Howlin Hounds) at http://www.gotsnoods.com/ for the friendly, prompt service and wide selections of snoods. I was able to pick not only the right size, but the fabric of my choice.

Scarlet sporting her "causal" leopard print snood.

This is ideal for everyday wear.

Scarlet with the more "evening or formal" snood.
Yes ladies, those are magenta sequins - eat your heart out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reason #1

Reason #1 to not have a mail slot in your front door if you own pets!

This could be the reason why email was invented.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Paws by the Pool

On Saturday, my husband and I were invited to join the Galveston Island Humane Society's fundraiser "Paws by the Pool". We had a great time, and we took both of our dogs in a cause to raise money for the new Galveston Island Animal Shelter that was destroyed by Hurricane Ike.

It's hard to get a good picture of our Great Dane, Sully without him looking like Bigfoot (a blur). Somehow we managed to get a great family photo taken.

If you would like to donate to the Galveston Island Humane Society, or see the available pets ready to be adopted, please visit www.galvestonhumane.org

Please support your local animal shelter.





Thursday, July 30, 2009

But Miss Scarlet............

The "Diva" of Carms Farm, Nadean has met her match! That's right, something has knocked Nadean and her head-butting ways down a peg. That something is my new puppy, Scarlet.

A 4 month old Basset Hound has gotten Nadean all confused, and it's a funny sight to watch a short legged dog try her hardest to run after a goat.
Notice the hair, ears and you can almost make out the look on Nadean's face, um no ok try this picture..
Yes, Nadean has the same look on her face as the ladies did in the classic film Gone with the Wind whenever Miss Scarlet walked into a room.

Welcome the newest member of Carms Farm, Miss Scarlet. It's been a long time since I had a puppy, and believe me she's quick to remind me of what I thought I had forgotten.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What A Life

I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend!!!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Egg Intro 101

Dear Hen House, just what is going on with the eggs?
Many people have asked me what's the difference between brown eggs and white eggs.
The answer is simple-the breed of the hen determines the color of the egg.
Welcome to "Egg Intro 101"
Color has no relationship to egg quality, flavor, cooking characteristics or nutritive value.
Brown-egg layers are hens derived from the Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire and Plymouth Rock breeds. Since brown-egg layers are slightly larger birds and require more food, brown eggs are usually more expensive than white.
Yolk color depends on the hen’s diet.
CAGE-FREE EGGS: Eggs laid by hens at indoor floor operations, sometimes called free-roaming hens. The hens may roam in a building, room or open area, usually in a barn or poultry house, and have unlimited access to food and water.
FREE-RANGE EGGS: Eggs produced by hens raised outdoors or that have access to the outdoors, as weather allows. In addition to consuming a diet of grains, these hens may forage for wild plants and insects and are sometimes called pasture-fed hens. The insects and other organic matter in the diet of free-range hens may result in such a very small increase in egg protein content that it’s considered insignificant. The nutrient content of eggs from the same breed of hen fed the same diet is not affected by whether hens are raised free-range or in floor or cage operations.
**Big Carms Farm eggs are free-range**
CALORIES: The calorie count for eggs varies with size.
Egg Size Calories
Small 54
Medium 63
Large 72
Extra Large 81
Jumbo 90
For more information, and great cooking recipes on the incredible edible egg visit:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To Make Them Feel At Home

Do you remember as a kid catching crickets, grasshoppers, or frogs and begging to your mom, aunt or grandma for some sort of jar to put them in. Do you remember going back outside to collect leaves, grass and sticks to bring to your catch as if to make them still feel they're free?

I'm bringing that feeling back to you, because that's exactly what we did with our quail.

Yes, that's a tree branch in with the quail!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh By the Way

It was brought to my attention that our newest members of the farm are not on the blog.
Oh by the way, we have quail.

updated pictures to come later.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Congrats to the Arlington Family

The Arlington family has increased by 8!

Oreo the Momma Hen was eager to become a momma. She was unsuccessful hatching out her own eggs, but never wanted to give up. Eggs from another hen were placed under her and she hatched out 8 beautiful redheads. Mom and babies are doing just fine!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Ferocity of a Mother's Love

Look at the dog's face.... He has to be thinking: What just happened? Did I just get my a** kicked by a squirrel"

Friday, June 12, 2009

Welcome to the Country you City Girl

Dear Mom & Dad,
I'm doing great out here at Aunt Car and Uncle Mike's. I'm meeting new friends, and playing a lot. At first I was a bit nervous but I'm having fun, it's better than camp! There's so much room to run around and the frisbee goes a long way. I had Aunt Car take pictures for you:

Here's me with real live chickens! I had only seen chickens on TV counting to the number 4! (Coming back from the shore)

Look mom, I'm really far.

They don't have water like at home, their water comes from a well and it's really cold.

This is Nadean, she kept trying to head-butt me, and Aunt Car would yell at her.

After Aunt Car would yell at her, her hair on her back would stick up like a mohawk. It was funny.

Before I went back inside, I went to go say hi to Daisy.
As you can see, I'm having fun. I miss you both and I love you. Tell Devyn and Coral I said hello.
Roxy Johnson

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

What a busy Memorial Day Weekend we had. We headed up to the kinfolks at http://www.weepingwillowfarm.blogspot.com/ for many different reasons.
1. Someone was getting married

2. My cousin (HEY GIRL) had surgery and Big Carms Farm was taking her
"Get Well Quail" (because Hallmark just doesn't say enough)

3. The kids wanted to play hide-n-seek

4. Had to get involve in some mouse-bopping. (don't ask, injuries were sustained)
Overall Memorial Day Weekend 2009 was a success and as always had a wonderful time at the Weeping Willow Farm. Thanks Cuz, for the many laughs - You Too!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

When Pet Owners Officially Lose Their Minds -part 3

For those of you that follow my blog, you know how I tease my fellow pet owners about dressing up their pets. I call this group of pet lovers "the pet owners that have officially lost their minds" and I love you all for this because you add excitement to my blog.

I have reson to believe that the current chart topper of Iowa (you know who you are), has been knocked down a peg. I received a photo last night, which I give kudos to this source for sending to me, of a dog that on a normal day would be black and white. Yesterday wasn't a normal day for this dog - it's now pink and black. YES you read correctly.

Congrats to the new pet owner that has officially lost their mind!!!!!!
**no animals were harmed in this bizarre act

Sunday, May 10, 2009

That's a Huge Bunny Rabbit

Bunny has gotten so big that she now has "a little too much fullness on the sides". Watch out Rabbit, this could happen to you. I take it as a sign of happiness!