Last night I come home to find this..
a shredded bag of oats. Hmmm, who has done this? The battle of wits has begun!
I asked Nadean, what'ca see?

She claimed to be in the well house. I believe she's covering for someone!
I go to Bunny, what'ca see?
Bunny informed me that she was out all night with Rabbit; therefore she was sleeping all day and saw nothing. Her story checked out.
I finally go to what has to be my key eye witnesses - The Cluck Family
They all proceeded to inform me that they saw the whole thing, and described the suspected as a big, gray blur. One of them even manage to catch the suspect on film -

I solved the mystery! Sully did it in the yard with the oat feed bag
** all parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law**