Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh By the Way

It was brought to my attention that our newest members of the farm are not on the blog.
Oh by the way, we have quail.

updated pictures to come later.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Congrats to the Arlington Family

The Arlington family has increased by 8!

Oreo the Momma Hen was eager to become a momma. She was unsuccessful hatching out her own eggs, but never wanted to give up. Eggs from another hen were placed under her and she hatched out 8 beautiful redheads. Mom and babies are doing just fine!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Ferocity of a Mother's Love

Look at the dog's face.... He has to be thinking: What just happened? Did I just get my a** kicked by a squirrel"

Friday, June 12, 2009

Welcome to the Country you City Girl

Dear Mom & Dad,
I'm doing great out here at Aunt Car and Uncle Mike's. I'm meeting new friends, and playing a lot. At first I was a bit nervous but I'm having fun, it's better than camp! There's so much room to run around and the frisbee goes a long way. I had Aunt Car take pictures for you:

Here's me with real live chickens! I had only seen chickens on TV counting to the number 4! (Coming back from the shore)

Look mom, I'm really far.

They don't have water like at home, their water comes from a well and it's really cold.

This is Nadean, she kept trying to head-butt me, and Aunt Car would yell at her.

After Aunt Car would yell at her, her hair on her back would stick up like a mohawk. It was funny.

Before I went back inside, I went to go say hi to Daisy.
As you can see, I'm having fun. I miss you both and I love you. Tell Devyn and Coral I said hello.
Roxy Johnson