Friday, December 12, 2008

Thought for the day

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated..." -Mahatma Gandhi-

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Goat(?)

Nadean during her first snow 12/10/08

The sky is falling

December 10, 2008 is the day I realize that I'm truely a Gulf Coast Girl. Why do I say this, because it's snowing and it's cold. You must realize that this is Texas, and it's South Texas where it never snows (ok maybe once in a blue moon).

To prove this, see if you can spot the white rabbit in the snow

ok it you can't find it in the above picture how about this next picture

Here's a few more pictures taken:

Monday, December 8, 2008

When Pet Owners Officially Lose Their Minds

Many, many people treat their pets as members of the family, I'm just as guilty of this so don't think I'm casting the first stone here. When does this act of treating the 4 legged as a member of the family go too far, or is on the line of cruel and unusual punishment???

Could it be when it's time to have pictures taken with Santa??? Yes, you know who you are - you are the Pet Owners that have officially lost your minds and I love you for it!

**Daisy and Darby Hellyer