Friday, September 21, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My adopted niece, Tori has just drawn #40.......this is a long wait but as Ag Kids get their numbers called, they are haltering their new lambs. I'm (along with some others) are waiting with baited breath to see what lamb Tori will get, to work and raise and prepare for her Tomball FFA show. As I wait for information to come over my phone, I start thinking back to the days I was in FFA. This ladies and gentlemen, had to be the best years. I raised lambs, steers, chickens and was on the dairy judging team, and won the American FFA Degree. I'm still waiting for my phone to bing, buzz.....DO SOMETHING ALREADY.

Here it is, #40
What a great smile, thanks for letting me be a part of this again - so many years later.

To my neice, good luck and give them hell in that show ring!!!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Frito came to us by means of force......if you're reading this HM then yes I'm calling you out!! I believe the words were "Oh he just came right up to us", yes that's what I heard as I'm 209.31 miles from home. Of course my daughter is carrying him around and he's limp as a dish cloth, couldn't have a care in the world and all I can do is start plotting payback - which I'm still working on. So, I'd like to welcome to the farm, Frito.

He was very good on the way home, sleeping most of the way right besides me. When we got home, it wasn't the normal 2 weeks to be welcomed by the other cats......Sheldon accepted him within 24 hours.

Alright, he can stay!!!!

Rufus Tower

I do believe all is forgiven...........