Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rescue Ink

I'm in love, with 7 tattoo up guys from New York! WHAT?!?!?!? I'm a Texas Gal here and I'm in love with someone from where?!?!?!? Wait - - These guys have zero tolerance for animal abuse and they have a show on National Geographic called "Rescued Ink Unleash". Their first show, has these 7 guys that you don't want to mess with ride up on Harley Davidson bikes, chasing down chickens because of the state they're living in. Then it quickly goes to them saving dogs, cats and confronting people who abuse these animals!

Watch the show - don't let this get cancel!!!
Go to their website
Support the cause - Stop the abuse!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Laying in the Grass

I did the responsible thing and had Scarlet spayed this week. When she was picked up, she came home with pain meds and the long list of "Things Not To Do". The first night she slept mostly but by the second day, you couldn't tell she even had surgery. I'm talking radical dog here! My husband and I have tried our best to keep her from running, jumping up in our laps, and even keeping her from going in the backyard with the other critters in order for her not to bust a stitch. By Wednesday she was walking around the house with, if it's possibly a much sadder look on her face. So in between rain showers, I put her leash on and I let her lay in the cool wet grass. I have a happier Basset now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Printer Problems?

Volunteer Fire Department

If you live in a drought area, pray for no fire! I say this because if you live near Edna, Texas this might be your volunteer fire department!

To answer any confusion, yes that's a goat, tied to a fire hydrant! Burn Ban is in effect people!

Anyone Up for a Mani/Pedi

This is how a Mani/Pedi goes down at the farm:
A.) round up 2 of your BFF's,
B.) approach the animal as if nothing's going on,
C.) whatever you do, DON'T LET GO