Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chic Fall Fashions

As a new owner of a Basset Hound, I'm starting to learn the tricks of the breed. A Basset's ears are something that stands out with this breed and is also the first thing to slap you in the face after getting a drink of water, running through wet grass or even her new favorite thing - the mud puddle in the backyard. Believe me, midnight walks in grass already covered in dew is one thing, but to have those wet ears slapping you in the face as you receive "thank you" licks is something else.

The must have chic fall fashion is the Snood! No, you're not going to see this in the top fashion mags or even on the runway in New York, but trust me Snoods are a must have! I did some searching and found the place to get your all year around Snood fashions. I must give a shout out to Deb and the "Staff", Jingle & Louise (The Howlin Hounds) at for the friendly, prompt service and wide selections of snoods. I was able to pick not only the right size, but the fabric of my choice.

Scarlet sporting her "causal" leopard print snood.

This is ideal for everyday wear.

Scarlet with the more "evening or formal" snood.
Yes ladies, those are magenta sequins - eat your heart out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reason #1

Reason #1 to not have a mail slot in your front door if you own pets!

This could be the reason why email was invented.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Paws by the Pool

On Saturday, my husband and I were invited to join the Galveston Island Humane Society's fundraiser "Paws by the Pool". We had a great time, and we took both of our dogs in a cause to raise money for the new Galveston Island Animal Shelter that was destroyed by Hurricane Ike.

It's hard to get a good picture of our Great Dane, Sully without him looking like Bigfoot (a blur). Somehow we managed to get a great family photo taken.

If you would like to donate to the Galveston Island Humane Society, or see the available pets ready to be adopted, please visit

Please support your local animal shelter.



